Module image link not working [SOLVED]

13 years 4 months ago #19848 by igcorreia
I think this is a bug, sorry if it is not.

1- Create a type of content called PUBLICITY
2- Create a category called PUBLICITY
3- Create a Image field called PUBLICITY
4- Create a item called PUBLICITY and assign it to the PUBLICITY category. Upload the image in the image filed and put has the link
5- Create a module called PUBLICITY, with the news template and scope for the PUBLICITY category and set the image to be the IMAGE FILED PUBLICITY. Set the LINK TO ARTICLE to NO.
6- Test it (Here i hoped that the module would showed me the image, and it does, hoped to not link to his own article, it also does that, but I also spectated o link to GOOGLE but it does not. )

So the bug is this If you set the link on a image field you cant use it in the module.

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13 years 4 months ago #19849 by igcorreia
Found a way.

I have added the in the Fields parameters the PUBLICITY FIELD MANUALLY :D


disabled the default one.


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13 years 4 months ago #19854 by ggppdk
mmm the link for image is not respected when the image field appears in the UNIVERSAL FLEXIcontent module???

Yes it is because this image parameter IS NOT THE FIELD it is just the image being extracted by the module.

To display the field, you must do EXACTLY what you did, place it in the list of fields to be displayed !!!


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13 years 4 months ago #19886 by igcorreia
Thanks, this ways we can use the image TO the category or to the custom link, its perfect the way it is.

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