Categories - "Copy all parameters from" doesn't work

15 years 2 months ago #1884 by neragraphics
Hello, I finally substitute K2 with FlexiContent.

I'm going to go in production 1st of February with a quite big site (if every goes fine of course).
I've noticed that there are some small issues in FlexiContent, little bugs let's say but I've decided to get rid of K2 anyway and I really hope to find some help in this forum to solve some of those bugs.

I'm having a hard time with the "Category" option "Copy all parameters from".
It simply doesn't work.
I tried to clean the cache, to re-create the folder tree, tried to assign a folder not in the path of the destination folder ....nothing.
The site I'm developing is composed by a number of categories that is really difficult to's a portal for Tourism in Greece, I can't see myself spending hours for the configuration of each category.

Is this a known bug?
Could you please help me with this issue?

Thanks in advance for the help.

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15 years 2 months ago #1914 by bsky92
Hi and welcome

We'll try to give you all the help we can provide -

About the category problem, what are the parameters which worked for you, and what are the ones that were left and you needed? I am not sure as how this copy utiliy works, but the more details you give us, the more help the techies here will be able to give you :)

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15 years 2 months ago #1922 by neragraphics
Thank you.

You are right, I did not explain well the symptom.
- I open a category
- in the "Copy all parameters from:" I choose one category
- I press "Apply" (or "Save")
- when the page is reloaded the "Copy all parameters from:" option does not display the category previously selected but the default option "Select category".

A week ago I've installed Flexi in a Joomla test environment and if I remember well this feature was working there (all the layout parameters were inherited from the specified category).
PS: the test environment has been deleted now, so I can't check immediately...I'll install it again later to check this behaviour.


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15 years 1 month ago #2817 by neragraphics
I've installed again the test environment but the "Copy all parameters from" option doesn't work.
Did you have the time to have a look at it?


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15 years 8 hours ago #4775 by iLLeT
This is still an issue for 1.5.1 stable

Why join the Navy? when you can be a pirate.

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15 years 2 hours ago #4779 by vistamedia
Hi, this is not an issue :) it functions like that. This is not an heritance feature (like in K2) but a simple copy when applying.
That means if you modify something in the source category it will not be changed in the category you copied the parameters to.

FLEXIcontent lead developer. web agency and custom development. co-administrator.
Please no PM for support request, use the forum for that!!!

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