FlexiFields are rendered even if they are not displayed

13 years 8 months ago - 13 years 8 months ago #16685 by ggppdk
The Problem:
FlexiFields are rendered(=their display is created) even if they are not displayed.
This in general is not needed* and may cause problems.

* It could be needed for a field to be always rendered to have it make the field have a side-effect, e.g. make a db update or file manipulation.
Maybe the templates should have a hidden position for fields that should be rendered but not displayed.
OR put an option to always render a field even if not displayed.

-- An example where a non-displayed field, causes problems when rendered, is the mini-gallery.
-- This mini-gallery FlexiField when rendered, it adds javascript and css to the header.
-- But the javascript will produce an error because the html of the field is not present (the field is not in the template).

Comment out line 100-107 of components/com_flexicontent/classes/flexicontent.fields.php
To prevent them from being always rendered and then
replace at line 289-301:
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($items); $i++) { foreach ($fbypos as $pos) { foreach ($pos->fields as $f) { ... } } }
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($items); $i++) { // 'text' item field is always used by category, render it if ($view == 'category') { $field = $items[$i]->fields['text']; $field = FlexicontentFields::renderField($items[$i], $field, $values, $method='display'); } // render flexi fields if they are present in the template foreach ($fbypos as $pos) { foreach ($pos->fields as $f) { $field = $items[$i]->fields[$f]; $values = isset($items[$i]->fieldvalues[$field->id]) ? $items[$i]->fieldvalues[$field->id] : array(); $field = FlexicontentFields::renderField($items[$i], $field, $values, $method='display'); if (isset($field->display) && $field->display) { $items[$i]->positions[$pos->position]->{$f}->id = $field->id; $items[$i]->positions[$pos->position]->{$f}->name = $field->name; $items[$i]->positions[$pos->position]->{$f}->label = $field->parameters->get('display_label') ? $field->label : ''; $items[$i]->positions[$pos->position]->{$f}->display = $field->display; } } } }
I also attach the modified file (components/com_flexicontent/classes/flexicontent.fields.php for version 1.5.5r607), please TEST and post back if it works and backup the original in case you need to restore it. I will then submit it to bug tracker.
Consider this experimental as it is a major change, e.g. with this modification something may not function properly.

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Last edit: 13 years 8 months ago by ggppdk.

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13 years 8 months ago - 13 years 8 months ago #16686 by ggppdk
For the FlexiContent module to work with this modification,
replace at line 100
of modules/mod_flexicontent/helper.php:
if ($use_fields) { $rows = FlexicontentFields::getFields($rows, 'module'); }
if ($use_fields) { $rows = FlexicontentFields::getFields($rows, 'module', $params); }

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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Last edit: 13 years 8 months ago by ggppdk.

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13 years 8 months ago #16693 by micker

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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