New events calendar template

13 years 2 months ago #21850 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic New events calendar template
I see that this is the category layout part of a FLEXIcontent template,
i was originally thinking of making such a thing but i meant it to go to the universal FLEXIcontent module as a new template, so that it is combined with the powerful category scopes of the module.

in v1.5.6 r1110 /v2.0 r1110 we have:
-- the news template with improved new styling (almost 95% finished, i just need to add styling(and icons) for hits and rating)
-- the carousel (slideshow) template (40% done, i halted development for a while) (i hope i finish in time for final version since the final version will not be delayed past end of Jan/2012, since J2.5 is very close to be released)
-- the calendar template (not started) ?

anyway beside the unversal FLEXIcontent module template, i am thinking of fixing / enhancing this template with all new template features and adding it to main source trunk, but despite many things needing little time to do, testing and cleaning up can take quite some time.

I have registered a relevant enhancement issue here: ... ail?id=339

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13 years 2 months ago #21866 by Rehne
Replied by Rehne on topic New events calendar template

romaingentilella wrote:
But I can't install it on my website, I've unzipped the downloaded file and when I'm trying to install the, I receive the following error message :

"Erreur : Impossible de trouver un fichier XML Joomla! d'installation dans ce pack!" :?


you can not install this template with the Joomla installer
you need to copy the unzipped files into the FC template folder (components/com_flexicontent/templates)

for me it works very well


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13 years 2 months ago #21872 by andrew
Replied by andrew on topic New events calendar template
First of all, thanks, Rehne, for providing installation instructions and for sharing the link to your implementation. I like your design, and it’s great to know that people were actually able to use my work! I suppose I should have mentioned the site for which I wrote the template from the beginning:

And ggppdk, I am not familiar with the universal FLEXIcontent module you refer to, but I do think it would be fantastic (and sensible) to add a “fixed and enhanced” version of this template to the main source trunk. I had trouble with a number of issues during development that I wasn’t able to solve to my satisfaction, including figuring out how to make it gracefully and sensibly integrate with configuration regarding pagination, how much to display, how to deal with past events, etc., and how to make the admin side of it logical and consistent. The functionality of an event calendar is related, but significantly different, than that of a blog, and it can be tricky to use the same interface for both. But if someone could put in the necessary time to resolve those issues, I would be very happy to answer any of their questions and try to point them to the right place if they were trying to understand how it was built.

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13 years 2 months ago #21874 by yasarts
Hi Andrew,
J'essaie d'abord en français car tu es un cousin canadien (I try first in french, if you preffer in english, tell me).
J'utilise actuellement un artifice pas très beau pour présenter des rdv (cf. ... ation.html ).
J'ai bien tous les champs indiqué dans ton 1er message, à savoir :
- date de début ;
- date de fin ;
- heure de début (avec ton plugin) ;
- heure de fin (avec ton plugin).
J'ai uploade le template et l'ai assigné à une nouvele catégorie ( ... /rdv2.html ).
Il me semble avoir bien configuré le template :

et pourtant ça ne fonctionne pas.

Ton template à l'air super pourtant.. Une idée du problème que je peux rencontrer ?

PS : je suis sous FLEXIcontent version 1.5.6 preRC3 (r1110). (oui c'est pas beau de l'utiliser en prod mais Flexi devient vraiment trop fort pour s'en passer ;-) )

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13 years 2 months ago #21875 by andrew
Replied by andrew on topic New events calendar template
Hi yasarts,

Salut, cousin canadian! I have no problem understanding posts in French, but I will definitely have to reply in English.

Your category configuration as displayed in the screenshot is fine. Unfortunately, it is tricky to troubleshoot your problem because there is so much configuration required to get the whole thing working properly. I can suggest you look at one common issue I’ve run into: make sure you have at least one event item published in your events category, and confirm that it’s start date is in the future. Otherwise, you will get an entirely empty page, just like what you currently see at ... /rdv2.html

If after checking that, it still isn’t working, you can also check and then post screenshots of the rest of your category configuration (in particular the “layout common” section, but also “standard”). Or you can send me a message with temporary admin access and I will look at it myself, but I completely understand if you would be uncomfortable doing so (I know I would).


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13 years 2 months ago #21876 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic New events calendar template
andrew,, First of all i would like to thank you for your contribution!!!

and to say i am sorry if my POST sounded wrong in any way, your contribution is very much appreciated.

-- I never translated the original message since only the error message was in French, --my mistake--, to understand that the error message was from the joomla installer. I only know a few words in French, please forgive my ignorance, i try hard to answer all posts properly but i make mistakes

The new v1.5.6 version is worth trying, (i write most of them but see SVN for more ...)
if you will take a look at the SVN we have reached revision 1110+ (OK partly because we are making 2 versions one for J1.5 and one for J1.7/2.5)

-- I spoke of fixing your template because i thought the error was produced by category view,

-- I spoke updating your template not for any other reason but because the new v1.5.6 has a category/items view that is very much improved and any template will need updating in order to benefit from many new features, please take time to read bellow:

About category view (what i remember:)
1. 5-10 faster than v1.5.4/v1.5.5, we have profiled it and identified various performance problems, which were fixed.
2. it has 2 new templates, (a) faq does some kind of reorganization of items and displays them as ... faq, and (b) a presentation template that allows the modular item layout to be used in category view
3. Filtering now works as expected combining smoothly: search-box, alpha-index, field filters (and URL too ...)
4. Joomla full page caching can now be enabled in category view and you can also create browser bookmarks to filtered views
5. Ability to limit display of filters to only the values for available items and maybe we will also have ability to have master-slave relations between filters before final version !
6. Display items total and some current page info
7. The new alpha-index is nothing like what we had before, now we don't have character, but instead we have character entities which can be:
a. character aggregations,
b. character aliases,
[c]c. character ranges[/b],
also we have character group and skipping of unavailable character entities
ALL options can be customized per language via language files and overridden in category parameters
8. Icon for opening feeds display, and RSS feed display that can show images (via extracting from item description or via image field)
9. Ability to have edit buttons in category view
10. ... ?

About Item view:
1. Support TO DISPLAY text created by other content plugin events (onAfterDisplayTitle, onBeforeDisplayContent, onAfterDisplayContent)
2 . ... one more i don't remember now

About universal module
It is a module that was made by Emmanuel in v1.5.5 and i have added more scopes to it in v1.5.6

Emmanuel is still project leader, although he is not very active recently, because he has other priorities now, and he does FOR GOOD REASON !!!)

SCOPES available in universal module :
- current item (new)
- current language (new)
- tags (new)
- favorites (new)
- current item's related items via:
a. selecting items using related items fields (new)
b. selecting items with same tags
- categories
- types
- authors
- dates

The above SCOPEs can be combined together to select exactly the items you need, e.g. you can use:
1. current item scope to display fields of current item, in any module position
2. favorites scopes to list the favorites items of the currently logged user in all categories or in the current viewed category.
3. we have a very feature rich related items field which you can use to easily select items regardless of how large your site is. Then using the related items field SCOPE these items can be displayed in any module position, so that when you view an item you can see the related items of it including any fields you like!
4. By combining the scopes you can achieve to limit the display of items to many useful combination

ALSO we can
1. create category listings with or without items, and the full configuration can be applied per category !!!
2. There is a mechanism for skipping unwanted items !!!
3. We have 3 template , among them the news templates has very attractive and compact but not too fancy styling.
4. Under development is a carousel(slideshow) template for the module, possibly, the benefit is that you have the SCOPEs together with the news templates styling together with display ANY field in a slideshow !!!

ALSO we have
-- numerous improvement in FIELDS, e.g. automatic rebuild of icons for image field,
-- many dozen of bugfixes, and some vaery few i hope new bugs , :D
-- basic csv import of data in backend by enjoyman, although fleximport by netassopro is still recommended (and updated for v1.5.6 !!!)
-- the new powerful related items field many THANKS TO the original code from Clement and his select item reverse field, which will be in final version too.
-- A new author management tab, and frontend view tha create category views per author with ability to override all category params, (description of author via FC item, CB profile(to be added), joomla contact info(to be added) )
-- A new advanced search view (mostly finished) with which you can search most custom fields with A FAST PRECALCULATED INDEX that after initial creation it is automatically updated on item save, Thanks to enjoyman, and also thanks, for him accepting my changes with a smile :D
-- other stuff that i forget

Some plans for v1.5.7 / v2.1
-- I am working on folder management target in item+field specific folders, so that you will never have to enter media files used only once in the media manager (STARTED, WILL BE in v1.5.7)
-- Translation groups, with new items automatically google translated and joomfish import (MOSTLY DONE THIS WILL NOT BE in v1.5.7)
-- TABBING abilities for description and textarea fields IN BOTH frontend and backend !!! (mostly done but will be in v1.5.7)
-- TABBING groups for fields (v1.5.7)
-- Configuration export for fields and templates including fields and template files (v1.5.7), so that you install in other sites (not started v1.5.7?)

Best Regards

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