Insert ads in category view, every five items

7 years 1 month ago #71317 by charlynancy
i am working on the new format of adsense adds.
Since 1 year, it's possible to add "Infeed Ad"
you can have several times one ad in a page.
So i am trying to add the code ad every 5 items in my page.

Google explain how to implement this function with the code below on this page :
Posts[] posts; count Var = 1; // Si votre code ne comprend pas de compteur, veuillez en définir un. While (count < posts.length) // Ajoutez 1 à la valeur de "count" jusqu'à atteindre le dernier élément dans la base de données. { If (count%3=0) // Si la valeur de "count" est égale à 3, 6 ou 9, insérez l'annonce. { <script async src="//"> </script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1234567891234567" data-ad-slot="1234567890"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> } <h3>{{ post.title }}</h3> // Pour toutes les valeurs de "count", insérez le titre du bloc de contenu. <p>{{ post.body }}<p> // Insérez le corps du bloc de contenu. <img src="{{ post.thumbnail}}"> // Insérez l'image du bloc de contenu. }

i use the template " Tab / slider item placement"
i tried to add the code in "category_items.php" file.
But i can't understand how to implement this with php foreach function?

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7 years 1 month ago - 7 years 1 month ago #71318 by ggppdk

To add at position 0 and at position 5, etc

<?php foreach ($items as $i => $item) :

and exactly on the next line try to add this
if ($i % 5 === 0) { ?> <!-- tab start --> <?php echo '<'.$mainAreaTag; ?> id="tablist_item_<?php echo $i; ?>" class="group" <?php echo $microdata_itemtype_code; ?>> <h3 class="tabberheading"><?php echo StringHelper::substr($item->title, 0, 20); ?></h3><!-- tab title --> <script async src="//"> </script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1234567891234567" data-ad-slot="1234567890"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> <?php echo '</'.$mainAreaTag.'>'; ?> <!-- tab end --> <?php }

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Last edit: 7 years 1 month ago by ggppdk.
The following user(s) said Thank You: charlynancy

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7 years 1 month ago - 7 years 1 month ago #71334 by charlynancy
Hello Georgios,
Thank you so much for your help.

Your solution is perfect as usually.

In my case, here is the code i have inserted :
foreach ($items as $i => $item) : //jca pub infeed if (($i == 5) || ($i == 9)) { ?> <?php echo '<div id="cataloglist_item_'.$i.'" class="catalogitem group rt-block rt-light-block nopaddingall shadow10 rounded">'; ?> <script async src="//"> ..... </script> </div> <?php } //jca pub infeed

In fact i wanted to insert 1 pub after 5 items (not before the first)
and an other one each 5 items (because i have implemented infinite scrolling, perhaps you remember about that and about my temporarely solution )

I think your solution will be very helpful because we see more and more sites that use "infeed" ads for the mobiles display.

Thank you very much again.
Last edit: 7 years 1 month ago by charlynancy.

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7 years 1 month ago #71335 by ggppdk

thanks for feedback

indeed a new configuration option to insert ads every N items
would be useful to a considerable number of our users

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