Show number of comments (or none) in blog view

14 years 10 months ago #5278 by
Has anyone figured out a way to make this happen? I've seen it discussed, but only by someone else asking the same question. Has anyone found a solution?


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14 years 6 months ago #9469 by tcherno

This feature is really needed. Does someone know if there is a solution to display the number of comments?

If not a real solution, maybe a little hack?

Thank you very much! :)

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14 years 6 months ago #9482 by goum
To see none comments in a category, change it in the standart parameter of this one.
To modify the number of comments you can change it in jcomments (but it will be change for all categories)

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14 years 4 months ago #10929 by tcherno

Thank you, but there is no "Comments (9)" field to put in the template.

It would be displayed under the blog article in the category view, instead of the "read more" link.

Like in a blog...

Thank you! :)

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14 years 3 months ago #11231 by tcherno
Any idea/news?

Thanks :)

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14 years 3 months ago - 14 years 3 months ago #11235 by goum
The code for comments is here:
<!-- BOF comments --> <?php if ($this->params->get('comments')) : ?> <div class="comments"> <?php if ($this->params->get('comments') == 1) : if (file_exists(JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_jcomments'.DS.'jcomments.php')) : require_once(JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_jcomments'.DS.'jcomments.php'); echo JComments::showComments($this->item->id, 'com_flexicontent', $this->escape($this->item->title)); endif; endif; if ($this->params->get('comments') == 2) : if (file_exists(JPATH_SITE.DS.'plugins'.DS.'content'.DS.'jom_comment_bot.php')) : require_once(JPATH_SITE.DS.'plugins'.DS.'content'.DS.'jom_comment_bot.php'); echo jomcomment($this->item->id, 'com_flexicontent'); endif; endif; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- EOF comments -->
You can found it at the end of item.php in the template blog (and all other templates).

Articles (in the category) appear here in the template blog : Category_items.php
As you can see, you will found some reference about read more, and other informations present in categories view.
You can try to add this code before the div line 474.
But i have no time to try it, sorry.

Try it in a local machine before.
Last edit: 14 years 3 months ago by goum.

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