kenmcd wrote: Mac junk.
Just delete them from each sub-directory, and delete the _MACOSX folder.
Mac users have to do something special to create ZIPs without the junk files.
Sorry I left those in; I don't always remember to clean up a folder before I make a package. A more accurate description than "Mac junk" would be "metadata used to remember display attributes of the contents of a folder", but for the purposes of a joomla extension, they are junk. I can confirm that the package, exactly as I uploaded it, will not have any issues when being installed from the joomla backend (nor will the .DS_Store files be copied to your joomla site folder). Even so, I've updated the package at the link above with a clean version of the plugin.
Re: the more important issues:
bbloom wrote: Why not release it as-is and call it an alpha version?
I will basically do that, just a bit too busy right now. Hopefully over the weekend or the beginning of next week, I'll get around to it. There are two things holding me back: 1st, there's still some stuff that I really should make into parameters, rather than hard-coding them; and 2nd, it will require a bit of explanation/documentation I think, so I'll need to find time to write that up. Overall, though, I must say that I'm pretty happy with the results, so I'm quite eager to make it available to others and get their feedback. It's pretty exciting, because it makes it possible to have an easy to use, intuitive, and very well integrated event management component, without having to have another component. FLEXIcontent is powerful stuff.
micker wrote: yes it's realy a great field !!!!
you build your calendar view with a composant ?
So glad to hear you like it! If I correctly understand your question, the calendar view is a pure flexicontent template, and it is used for a category page. I've created an item type called 'event' and a category called 'calendar' and assigned that category to use the calendar template.