Multi-item tabular AJAX-powered editing for FC

13 years 1 week ago #23719 by pepperstreet
For inspiration... ;-)

pepperstreet wrote: Always watched out for a matrix/grid field in Joomla CCKs or even Drupal. Do you know ExpressionEngine ? ... it has some impressive extensions for a similar purpose... take a look here, just for inspiration:


Grid Lite

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13 years 1 week ago #23721 by ggppdk
Interesting ... yes this is giving me ideas ...

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13 years 1 week ago #23725 by ggppdk
We could convert the multi-row edit form, that uses AJAX to save items, and add new fields on the fly via modal popups that open new field creation

The cells would display field value but on click in a row the cell would display their "edit mode" via again AJAX calls.

Yes this possible.

Plus in v1.5.6:
-- we already have mechanism for calling field functions via AJAX
-- we have updated fields to allow multiple edit instances of e.g. minigallery, related items, etc
-- we have updated items model to be easier to retrieve multiple items in a single (this needed since the edit display of an item is populated by the items model)

Yes it is feasible to have a multi-items tabular display of items, with inline AJAX editing ... and inline creation of columns (= new field in modal popup) or inline changing of column configuration (= edit field in modal popup)

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11 years 6 months ago #40207 by pepperstreet
As time flies by! :o ;) Any news on this field matrix/grid?
Or at least a separate data grid/table field like it has been discussed here ?

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11 years 6 months ago #40211 by ggppdk

surely this is interested,

but other things are planned before this

-- endless scroll
-- full faceted search/filtering (done, now being optimized)
-- other

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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