Unable to create target folder

14 years 8 months ago #7921 by despair
when I update the latest Flexicontent 1.5.3
It just appeared "Unable to create target folder". :?:

How to solve this problem?
Thanks for help~!

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14 years 8 months ago #7925 by micker
hello 2 options
-you didn't have place of your site (size it full)
-chmod your component folder to 777
reinstall if it work change the chmod after

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14 years 8 months ago #7926 by despair
I had chmod the component folder to 777,and it never change to 755 again.

But it still can't update.
I had upadte FC bata to 1.5.2 stable before,but it work well.
shoud I creat some folder by myself?

sorry my english is poor.

Thank you!

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14 years 8 months ago #8385 by rtiradio
I have the same problem while trying to update to 1.5.3c. Please can you help me to solve this problem? I need the frontpage editing feature ! Thanks for your help!

The compnents folder is chmod 777 but I get always a message like:

-1 - Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten (a error occured)

Unable to create target folder

thanks for help

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14 years 8 months ago #8389 by micker
online or on your computeur ?
if it's online ..
do a backup with joomlapack
install in your computeur
do installation
redo a backup
and install online !

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14 years 8 months ago #8390 by rtiradio
ok . thanks for the hint, will try to do it this way, but for instant akeeba backup produce ajax errors while making the backup. Seems to be a bigger serverproblem. will try to solve this first and then try to follow your tips. will report then if it works.

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