[Fixed] Archive of FC 3.3.3 is corrupted

4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #78454 by ggppdk

in v3.3.3 instead of redirecting to file URLs

we try to "pipe" the downloads of external file URL via the websever !

2 reasons for this
1. so that we can force the download of the file instead of it opening in the browser
2. this way we can set HTTP headers like the configured original filename for the downloaded file

The disadvantage is that if the size of file URL gets stored into the DB with a wrong value ... then the download will fail
Also there can be other problems

If you are using external file URLs in your website you may have problems with v3.3.3
(no problem if you are uploading files to your webserver instead of linking file to external servers !)

I am making a workaround, and reviewing alternatives ! for releasing a v3.3.4

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Last edit: 4 years 11 months ago by ggppdk.

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4 years 11 months ago #78455 by ggppdk

in short we want to be able to force download of external file links
but our code may cause cause external not to be downloadable !!

i am adding some checks to avoid failed download, but also i am making this feature will be optional

- "Force download of external files"
(Disable if you run into problems downloading external file links ! , if you disable the file maybe be opened by browser instead of it downloading)
No, do plain redirect

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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