Asking for tutorials about images size

5 years 9 months ago #76506 by 2CPRESTA
Hello, could it be possible to have a short video to explain best settings (size etc) for images ? Thanks

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5 years 9 months ago #76507 by ggppdk

I will personally will be making video tutorials, but for this, i plan to be making them on June or maybe earlier

I recognize the need and benefit of this

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5 years 9 months ago #76509 by micker
hello what is "the best" seeting ? could you explain more ?

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5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #76512 by 2CPRESTA
I mean best size of photos to upload, if used in "news" template...because i'm creating a list of members from a photoclub and they will prepare the format to upload. The photo will be used in category and item view. Thanks
Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by 2CPRESTA.

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5 years 9 months ago #76515 by micker
hello its a specific question but in fact
in plugin
-> use size wanted for each veiw regarding position ( need to check template etc) ... usualy : small 150*150, medium 400*300, large 800*600
-> use cropped or rezize for each thumb size regarding what you want to display
-> set thumbs format for each view item or category
-> select galery script for display

in module
-> set image field
-> set size of thumb if size isn't good use thumb creation regarding what you want to display
thats realy depend of your project

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