Bullet list of sub-categories in blog

14 years 2 months ago #4518 by ewel
I have changed the normal display of the sub-categories in a category in the blog view to a bulleted list. Also I changed "(5/2)" to '(5 documents / 2 categories)' - but I have been lazy and haven't catered for translation.

Since I thought others might like that too, I am posting my modifications here. The file I modified is categories/blog/category_subcategories.php. I am pasting from the beginning to the end of the div, with old code commented out.
<div class="subcategorieslist"> <?php echo JText::_( 'FLEXI_SUBCATEGORIES' ) . ' : '; /*foreach ($this->categories as $sub) : $subsubcount = count($sub->subcats); ?> [url=<?php echo JRoute::_( FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($sub->slug) ); ?>]<?php echo $this->escape($sub->title); ?>[/url] <?php if ($this->params->get('show_itemcount', 1)) echo ' (' . ($sub->assigneditems != null ? $sub->assigneditems.'/'.$subsubcount : '0/'.$subsubcount) . ')'; $i++; if ($i != $n) : echo ', '; endif; endforeach; */ foreach ($this->categories as $sub) : if ($i == 0) : echo '<ul>'; endif; $subsubcount = count($sub->subcats); ?> <li> [url=<?php echo JRoute::_( FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($sub->slug) ); ?>]<?php echo $this->escape($sub->title); ?>[/url] <?php if ($this->params->get('show_itemcount', 1)) echo ' (' . ($sub->assigneditems != null ? $sub->assigneditems.' documents / '.$subsubcount : '0 documents / '.$subsubcount) . ' categories)'; ?> </li> <?php $i++; if ($i == $n) : echo '</ul>'; endif; endforeach; ?> </div>

To the developers: you should of course feel free to use this if you want.

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14 years 2 months ago #4528 by kenmcd
Thanks for posting the code. :)

Please post a link to where we can see this in action.


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14 years 2 months ago #4537 by ewel
Unfortunately I cannot give a link because it is a limited access site under development, but here is a screen shot.

[attachment=0:1se9lbjd]<!-- ia0 -->flexi-cats-bullets.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1se9lbjd]

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14 years 2 months ago #4597 by micker
thanks it's a great tips

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14 years 2 months ago #4727 by ewel
I now replaced the bullets by images, so each category is preceded by the image belonging to that category.
Also I used two columns but it can be turned into one column as indicated by the comments in the code.

My code has a flaw which is that it does not have a fall-back default if a category does not have an image. I am leaving this as it is, because it helps me identify which categories have no image - I want each category to have an image.
I have not tested this with all browsers but it seems ok in IE7 and FF.
It caters for images of all size proportions but does so at the expense of vertical centering. It should center if all images have the same proportions but in that case you might as well fine-tune the css.

[attachment=0:fjhoi765]<!-- ia0 -->flexi-cats-images.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:fjhoi765]
<?php $n = count($this->categories); $i = 0; ?> <style type="text/css"><!-- .fccatimg { vertical-align:middle; max-width: 48px; max-height: 32px; width: expression(this.width > 48 ? "48px" : true); height: expression(this.height > 32 ? "32px" : true); } --></style> <div class="subcategorieslist"> <?php echo JText::_( 'FLEXI_SUBCATEGORIES' ) . ' : '; ?> <div> <?php foreach ($this->categories as $sub) : $subsubcount = count($sub->subcats); ?> <?php if ( $i == 0 || $i == $n/2 || $i == (($n+1)/2) ) : // to have one column remove: || $i == $n/2 || $i == (($n+1)/2)-1 ?> <div style="float:left; padding:0 15px 15px 0; width:47%;"> <?php endif; ?> <div style="position:relative; height:36px; margin:5px 0;"> <div style="float:left; position:absolute; top:50%; margin-top:-18px; height:36px; width:60px;"> <span style="display:block; height:32px;">[url=<?php echo JRoute::_( FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($sub->slug) ); ?>]<?php echo JHTML::_('image.site', $sub->image, 'images/stories/', NULL, NULL, $sub->title, 'class="fccatimg"'); ?>[/url]</span> </div> <div style="float:left; position:absolute; top:50%; margin-top:-18px; height:36px; left:60px;"> <span style="display:block; height:32px;">[url=<?php echo JRoute::_( FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($sub->slug) ); ?>]<?php echo $this->escape($sub->title); ?>[/url]<br/> <?php if ($this->params->get('show_itemcount', 1)) echo ' (' . ($sub->assigneditems != null ? $sub->assigneditems.' documents / '.$subsubcount : '0 documents / '.$subsubcount) . ' sub-categories)'; ?></span> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"> </div> <?php $i++; if ( $i == $n || $i == $n/2 || $i == (($n-1)/2)+1 ) : // to have one column remove: || $i == $n/2 || $i == ($n-1)/2 ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <div style="clear:both;"> </div> </div>

Perhaps this will help someone.

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14 years 1 month ago #6157 by Rehne
Sorry for my bad English!

Good work

Using your example, I created a template with additional adjustment.

Look here:
www.flexicontent.org/forum/index ... =viewtopic

Maybe it helps you!?

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