Using the new advanced search feature (core & custom fields)

13 years 2 months ago #21015 by ggppdk
-- The new advanced search view relies on a PRECALCULATED INDEX to get its results very fast

-- It supports searching various fields besides title and description,
now these are supported:
tags, text, textarea, select, selectmultiple
NOTE: more will be added later, so this list may not be up-to-date, e.g. we could make image field "advanced searchable" by making it declare its description as the searchable text


(1) Declare the fields you wanted to be index searchable as "advanced searchable"

(2) the advanced search indexer (BACKEND) must be recreated (DO IT again later, if you enable "advanced searchable" for more fields): we click buttons "Purge" and the "Index"
NOTE: after that the indexer is updated automatically:
(a) every time a published item is saved (new or existing one)
(b) every time an existing item version is approved

(3) create a new menu item to link to the search view and configure (in the menu item the appearance of the search view)

(4) Go to the frontend and test

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13 years 1 month ago #21557 by Rooney
Hi, I have done this and it seems that it does not work for all words "me780" is found "am400" not, although both articles are in the FC 2 search index!


Joomla! 3.9.24 and FC 3.3.9

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13 years 1 month ago #21562 by ggppdk
mmm , as i have said in other forum threads the advance search is not done in FC v2.0

Please use joomla standard search component:

For this you will need to use the standard search plugin of FLEXIcontent, which supports searching in:
- title
- description (both intro and fulltext)
- in text fields
- in tags

So go to plugin manager , in "Select Type" filter choose "search", find and disable plugins:
- Search - Content
- ADV Search - FLEXIcontent

Get latest version of standard search plugin for FLEXIcontent from here:
[attachment=0:umgpgxhl]<!-- ia0 --><!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:umgpgxhl]
Note for anyone reading this, that the above updated plugin is included in v2.0RC3 (when it becomes available) and later


-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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