Module/Plugin Social Bookmarking?

14 years 10 months ago #5991 by cf_net
Hi there, does anybody knows about or has himself running (with FLEXIcontent), any plugins that integrate into the items and and let the reader retweet them or send them to facebook. Like "Add To Any" / "Share This" plugin ...

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14 years 3 months ago #12118 by staffiery
I would also like to know if there are any plugins that work with Flexicontent to auto-post/tweet new or updated items to facebook and twitter?

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14 years 3 months ago #12131 by micker
hello contact netassopro
he have do tweet / facbook plugin for flexicontent ... memberlist

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14 years 2 months ago - 14 years 2 months ago #12908 by fabien79
Moderator note: these are commercial extensions


We created also an autotweet plugin (works with autotweet component).
You can find it here : ... tweet.html
And also an Share plugin (to share article on facebook, twitter, googlenews, digg, etc... ) : ... share.html

Extensions for Flexicontent
Last edit: 14 years 2 months ago by kenmcd. Reason: Full disclosure - added note regarding commercial extensions

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14 years 2 months ago #12916 by micker
Thanks !
created a topic to present your creation thanks for your work

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
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13 years 7 months ago #17414 by HillWoody
Hi all,

struggling myself for some days in search of a facebook autopublish plugin, I found QAutoFacebook on JED.

Strangely this plugin doesn't show up in the plugin list in the field editor as other plugins do.
And the publish button does show in joomla content editor, but not in flexicontent editor view.

Don't know who's "fault" it is (posted this issue over there also) - and if there is a workaround. At this stage, I can't use it.

Any ideas?

I'm using FC 1.5.5 and J! 1.5.23 - and also the jflexishare plugin. Does the job, though limited: not "auto" and only as plain link. Would be great to post content from fields too, hope this will be added soon.

Also took a look at the allArticleAnnounce (JED) plugin.
Seems to do a good job - except that it isn't compatible with FC...
The result seems to be: with flexicontent we have a tool that makes production of articles really easy - and good FB promotion of them really not so easy.
Hope I am wrong :-;

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