CB and cbsubs are working with flexicontent ?

14 years 10 months ago #5703 by loicberder
is there some flexicontent users that are using it with CB and cbsubs ??

with CB i mean :
- flexicontent author linked to is CBprofile
- in CBprofile the ability to show a tab with flexycontent author contrib

with cbsubs :
- to be able to retrict to some users the ability to create a new article in specific category
- or in a dream ;) : to be able to have this restriction regarding to a CBfield content...

thanks in advance for your feedback on usinf flexicontent

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14 years 10 months ago #5776 by beat
Regarding the CB integrations in flexicontent, can't reply, as I didn't play with FlexiContent yet, of which I saw an impressive demo at JoomlaDay France 2010 in Bordeaux, where I met FlexiContent's author in person !

I can answer for CBSubs part: CBSubs allows you to restrict any joomla extension access by URL or POST variables for specific subscription plans, then those plans are proposed for upgrade (if available to that user depending on plan settings). So I guess you could do that.

Now that we know each other, we should be able to work on some cool integrations in the future. ;)

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14 years 10 months ago #5783 by loicberder
good to heard that maybe you'll work on some cool integrations in the future...

hope to have some feed back from users that have already used both extension


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14 years 10 months ago #5949 by tembargo
Ahh :) I was working on the integration of CB in Flexi, so nice to see I'm not alone :D

Plus, I saw Emmanuel was working on a big website which needs some community features..

I guess we will see some nice community features soon.. ;D

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14 years 10 months ago #6298 by loicberder
any official plan about the integration of CB and flexicontent ??

or plans about community features inside flexicontent ?

that is not the same of course :!:


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14 years 4 months ago #10919 by ruegama
Avez-vous réussi à faire co-exister les deux ?
Peut-on lier un plan à un contenu ?

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