"No items found" In Archive Menu Item

1 month 3 weeks ago #85950 by fmgoodwin
Hello, I created a menu item to display archived data that belongs to the "Archived" category. I have assigned the archived category to the menu item, but no data is being displayed on the front end. Instead, it shows the message "No items found."

Could you please help me resolve this issue?

Thank you for your support.


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1 month 3 weeks ago #85951 by micker
hello this message say that tou didn't any item in this category or the condition (filter, state etc) isn't return any item

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1 month 3 weeks ago #85952 by fmgoodwin
Hi, Micker, I have items in the Archived category, and their state is set to Archived. Should I change their state to Published?

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1 month 3 weeks ago #85953 by micker
Yes archived Can be visible in front

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1 month 3 weeks ago #85954 by fmgoodwin
How can i make Archived items visible to public users in the front? Please advise.

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1 month 3 weeks ago - 1 month 3 weeks ago #85958 by fmgoodwin
Micker, I think we figured things out here. I will let you know if we have any further problems configuring our site archive. Thanks for your help. -Francis
Last edit: 1 month 3 weeks ago by fmgoodwin.

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