I'm having a problem with switching languages on the site.
My Chinese homepage version has the wrong URLs:
<li><a href="/en/"> 中文 </a></li>
It should be:
<li><a href="/tw/"> 中文 </a></li>
The URL:
The TW version works:
Subsequent Pages reveal similar issues
Multilingual Setup OK:
Further digging reveals:
The two languages in the switcher - without SEF have these configs:
array:2 [▼
0 => {#872 ▼
+"lang_id": 2
+"asset_id": 565
+"lang_code": "zh-TW"
+"title": "Chinese Traditional (Taiwan)"
+"title_native": "中文"
+"sef": "tw"
+"image": "zh_tw"
+"description": ""
+"metakey": null
+"metadesc": ""
+"sitename": "偉翔生技開發"
+"published": 1
+"access": 1
+"ordering": 1
+"link": "index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=item&cid=35:home&id=186:home-zh&lang=tw&Itemid=1231&lang=zh"
+"active": false
+"rtl": "0"
1 => {#701 ▼
+"lang_id": 1
+"asset_id": 140
+"lang_code": "en-GB"
+"title": "English (en-GB)"
+"title_native": "En"
+"sef": "en"
+"image": "en_gb"
+"description": ""
+"metakey": ""
+"metadesc": ""
+"sitename": "Well Shine Bio"
+"published": 1
+"access": 1
+"ordering": 2
+"link": "index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=item&cid=25:home&id=1:home&lang=en&Itemid=101&lang=en"
+"active": true
+"rtl": false
According to the troubleshooting DEV:
"The SEF URL parser in FlexiContent at fault here.
The one for Chinese also has TWO lang= vars in the url "index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=item&cid=35:home&id=186:home-zh&
lang=zh" and Im betting that is one of the issues here. "
Is there a reason for this? How can I resolve it?
The 2 languages seem to be related to the Site Content Languages:
If I set Chinese to zh it seems to resolve better:
Is there away to change it to /tw/ without breaking the setup? PHPMyAdmin?