[SOLVED] About adding custom field column "modified_by" (modifier name) to backend items manager

8 years 8 months ago - 8 years 8 months ago #63057 by fortino
Hi everyone,

I find out a little issue using the custom columns feature in backend.
The field "modified_by" is not displayed even if has values.

After a lot of debug I discovered this field is correclty displayed on frontend but not in backend.

I solved doing an override of the items view of the administrator.

The file involved is :
You can override it putting the file here [in case you're using ISIS template]:

here's the originale code:
<?php foreach($this->extra_fields as $_field) :?> <td> <?php // Clear display HTML just in case $field = clone($_field); // quickly make a shallow copy of the fields object to avoid assignments of various member variables being persistent // Field value for current item $field_value = isset($row->fieldvalues[$field->id]) ? $row->fieldvalues[$field->id] : false; // Create field's display HTML, via calling FlexicontentFields::renderField() for the given method name FlexicontentFields::renderField($row, $field, $field_value, $method=$field->methodname); // Output the field's display HTML echo @$field->{$field->methodname}; ?> </td> <?php endforeach; ?>

Here's my patch [maybe usefull until the bug is officially solved].
I don't know if there's redundancies with similar function already used, anyway the main problem is both $item->muname AND $item->modifier are NULL in backend.
After a while a discover the function supposed to do this [getItemFields]
<?php foreach($this->extra_fields as $_field) :?> <td> <?php // Clear display HTML just in case $field = clone($_field); // quickly make a shallow copy of the fields object to avoid assignments of various member variables being persistent // Field value for current item $field_value = isset($row->fieldvalues[$field->id]) ? $row->fieldvalues[$field->id] : false; /*SG MOD*/ $user = JFactory::getUser(); $aid = JAccess::getAuthorisedViewLevels($user->id); $cicci = array($row); $_vars = null; FlexicontentFields::getItemFields($cicci, $_vars, $_view=FLEXI_ITEMVIEW, $aid); /*end SG MOD*/ // Create field's display HTML, via calling FlexicontentFields::renderField() for the given method name FlexicontentFields::renderField($row, $field, $field_value, $method=$field->methodname); // Output the field's display HTML echo @$field->{$field->methodname}; ?> </td> <?php endforeach; ?>

Last edit: 8 years 8 months ago by ggppdk.

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8 years 8 months ago - 8 years 8 months ago #63065 by ggppdk

we have made a fix for this
- please note that due to the fix, after upgrading FLEXIcontent, your template override will no longer work

to test fix now:
Click download zip from:

and install via extension manager in testing website

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Last edit: 8 years 8 months ago by ggppdk.

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