Hwdmediashare not triggering the right event on Flexicontent

11 years 9 months ago #37500 by Fabien78

I have installed hwdmediashare.co.uk/ plugin on my website.

One of their option is to add videos to articles.

I am also using flexicontent cck.

It appears that I cannot integrate videos from my plugin hdw to any article. But i can embbed allvideos code for instance (please see screenshot : the youtube video is allvideos, the line code is hwd)

I got a return from the hwd developers, as follow:

"You are inserting it into an item within the FLEXIcontent component, which you have used to replace the default content component from Joomla.

This FLEXIcontent component isn't correctly executing Joomla 2.5 content plugins! I checked this by manually debugging the code on your website and I have confirmed it by adding content plugin for 2 other core Joomla content plugins to the page:

{ loadmodule mod_login }
{ loadposition sidebar-2 }

When the article loads, it also just shows this code on the page (see screenshot link):

I think your FLEXIcontent component is out of date, or isn't triggering the correct events for Joomla 2.5. I think it is only triggering the Joomla 1.5 events. If you do a version check in FLEXIcontent, then it says it is from 2011, but I think that information might not be correct:

I have seen a few discussions about this in the FLEXIcontent forum, but they are very old threads so I'm not sure what the status is. I think it is worth clarifying with the developers, and we are happy to communicate with them directly if they have any queries.

I'm confident our content plugin is triggered on the correct events. It is widely used, and no one else has ever reported this problem.

You may ask, then why does the AllVideos (by JoomlaWorks) plugin work. That plugin has been around for many years and will trigger both the Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 2.5 events, which is probably why the content plugin is working in your site."

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11 years 9 months ago #37501 by Fabien78

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11 years 9 months ago #37519 by ggppdk

please mention the FLEXIcontent version that you are using !!!

the content plugin triggering is full updated in v2.0.x, except for item form , where some plugin check if current component is com_content

-- where do you try to trigger the content plugin? in description?
1. did you enable (in field configuration) plugin triggering there and selected the plugins you want to trigger?
2. if the above (1) does not work , try this, use CTRL-click to select none plugin in the list, this will trigger ALL content plugins

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11 years 8 months ago #37569 by Fabien78

I have enabled plugin triggering in description field's configuration and it works.


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11 years 8 months ago #37575 by micker
Lol send message to dev to explain that FLEXIcontent works .. ;)

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11 years 8 months ago #37581 by ggppdk
Yes, please also reply to the developer of the plugin, that "content plugin triggering needs to be enabled for each field"


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