Using Flexicontent in large websites

12 years 1 month ago #33269 by predent

I used Flexicontent in our joomla 1.5.26 website. We have about 380000 articles. Importing data automatically was impossible. May be due to server problems. Our host is Bluehost Pro. I think that It needs an efficient way to abort the process and logging the point of abortion in order to continue further.

Doing it via copy/move functions is also impossible. Initially 100000 articles could be binded (moved) but during the day the number of articles to be binded was decreasing up to 500. In the intervals I had to guess the number.

Categories > view category items function presented many issues when the system recognized that there were unbinded articles. May be server problems. Although com_content loads 380000 articles in articles manager I felt that Flexicontent had many performance issues in loading items - especially when there were items to be binded. I think that If you use com_content for storing items then binding is not efficient for large sites. May be you could just ask the user to create the Flexicontent section and add the category structure only - populating items properties needed for Flexicontent could be done progressively as the user manages his content with Flexicontent.

Versioning created problems two when I logout and login again. It tried to add the current versions of the document. May be you think that binded articles are new versions of articles. This is not true. So, I had to turn it off in global configuration, truncate the versions tables etc.

Anyway I think that optimization is needed if you plan to see FLexicontent as a collaborative publishing environment. Related to K2, Flexicontent is more flexible in taxonomies, acl and extrafields and using com_content is also very good idea. We shall wait for a more optimized version.

Anyway, Flexicontent can be a great tool.

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12 years 1 month ago #33271 by micker
hello witch version of FC ?

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12 years 1 month ago #33286 by ggppdk
Thanks for the feedback, it is useful

these have been identified and are planed,

here is some more info:

1. In J2.5 sections are not longer used and currently we do not import content. The only option is to "bind to a content Type",
- but the negative is that in J2.5 we do not allow using articles of only a specific top-level category

2. The alternative of SELECTING an existing section and use binding:
currently, there is a hardcoded 100,000 items limit so for existing sites with more than 100,000 it will not work (we know how to fix just did not get around to implementing it)

3. About current item versions yes , this is needed for all new items created by com_content and then bound to a FLEXIcontent item Type. The task will work finish after clicking it multiple times, but it is not user friendly

And for both:
- binding and add item current versions
we should use an AJAX reloading mechanism to do the complete these tasks in steps, without user having to reclick

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12 years 1 month ago #33304 by predent

micker wrote: hello witch version of FC ?

Hello Micker,

The version is com_flexicontent_v1.5.6_RC9b_r1601


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12 years 2 weeks ago #34092 by ggppdk
Great speed-ups for large sites are coming

much faster than Joomla or any other CCK (displaying some amount of data and filtering)

1. FLEXIcontent frontend views , e.g. category view
2. FLEXIcontent Universal Content Module
3. Back end items manager
(view was optimized) to be as fast as 2 seconds for large sites example was 50000 items, e.g. in your case of 200.000 it should take 3 seconds to display WITHOUT any filtering= including ALL items while at the same time doing ORDERing which is SQL server heavy

4. Full performance statistics via a URL variable that will let admistrator know where to look and what to optimize

The above are mostly done for next version TODO is number 5 (below)

5. (TODO) Fast binding of items, (we know how to make this 10x faster or more, while using an AJAX progress reloading so you do-not have to reclick)

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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10 years 11 months ago #46523 by ggppdk

in v2.2.0 r1883+, we have fixed with large websites in post-installation tasks

and frontend listing views are multiple time faster than Joomla or other CCKs / other CMS too this applies for Universal module too

but possibly little work remains to make post-installation tasks even faster

do you have a copy/development web-site in which new version can be tested?

or you willing to provide access to the development web-site or provide a backup of the website for local testing ?

Please answer me with a PM


-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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