zero items in FLEXIcontent Module

12 years 6 months ago #28306 by pshoeg
Hi there,

Has there been any changes to the way FLEXIcontent Module works in the last releases? I've been using it for showing news, but it seems that "0" in number of items now shows actually zero items, instead of showing all, as it used to (or am I wrong?).

It also reset all my settings (for instance, it's showing "voting" again).

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12 years 6 months ago #28310 by ggppdk
Yes, zero must show zero items,

it was working differently due to a bug,

since zero number of items are meant to be used for showing category lists with no item data

about voting and favourites prameters, these are new and provide extra parameter for module-specific customizing of voting and favourite field

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12 years 6 months ago #28316 by pshoeg
Ah, that's why. Is there a way to show all items of the category in FLEXIcontent Module and then have pagination?

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12 years 6 months ago #28318 by ggppdk
no pagination in FLEXIcontent module,

in future we may add pagination via Javascript

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