from the SEO-friendly URLs generated by Joomla.
I know, the problem is Joomla.
But there is a solution (test on v.1.5.15) to this problem by modify the file libraries/joomla/filter/filteroutput.php
In this file you need to find a function stringURLSafe (me started on the line 82), and add the following lines:
function stringURLSafe($string)
$from = array('ą','ć','ę','ł','ń','ó','ś','ź','ż','Ą','Ć','Ę','Ł','Ń','Ó','Ś','Ź','Ż');
$to = array('a','c','e','l','n','o','s','z','z','A','C','E','L','N','O','S','Z','Z');
$string = str_replace($from, $to, $string);
Since then the addresses are already set up as they should be.... and this solution does work on the link tag.