[Solved] Textarea field cannot save HTML in frontend

12 years 10 months ago #24960 by arnaud.blain
Hello ggpdk,

It's better but there's another bug :
When I add for exemple {rsform 10} in the content of flexicontent item in front end, it transform it with the form.
In back-end no problem.

Moreover I've seen that in back-end and front-end my others textfields don't save as html should be. I.e. when I add a <br /> through my jck editor and I save it then it disappear. Or I had formats in another text field and they disappear too.

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12 years 10 months ago #24996 by ggppdk
Edit the plugin file textarea.php
and inside function

function onBeforeSaveField(....)

After line
if($field->field_type != 'textarea') return;

if ( !FLEXI_J16GE && $field->parameters->get( 'use_html', 0 ) ) { $rawdata = JRequest::getVar($field->name, '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); if ($rawdata) $post = $rawdata; }

Fixed in r1279

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12 years 10 months ago #25050 by arnaud.blain
i add this code but it's the same, the form is transformed in front-end (in back-end it works)

Moreover, in backend i've seen that now when I add a picture in a text area field it disappears when i save the content.

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12 years 10 months ago #25053 by ggppdk
mmm, i have tested the fix, although code is not 100% same as the one i gave you.

Please get latest build and test:

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12 years 10 months ago #25058 by arnaud.blain
it's strange i can't install that version : blank page after a 20-30 seconds

I was able to install com_flexicontent_v1.5.6_RC5_r1273.tar.gz that was 1380ko and this new version has 1387ko

I don't think it's my php memory

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12 years 10 months ago #25059 by ggppdk
Maybe you need to increase apache/PHP time limits on your server, without error message i can not be sure, why installation has failed

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