Problem with the publication on Joomla 2.5

13 years 1 week ago #22524 by startpoint
A have a strange problem. I used Joomla 2.51 and FLEXIcontent v2.0_preRC3_r1110_Nightly_Build. I set unpublished to any existed item. When i reload website, this unpublished items shows again. This is the same situation with categories.
Does anyone has this problem?
Whether a bug?

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13 years 1 week ago #22526 by kenmcd
Do these items still appear when you are not logged-in?
Log-out and test again.

There is a known issue with Joomla 2.5 where when a super administrator is logged-in to the front-end the articles which are unpublished, archived, and trashed still appear.
This is quite confusing to most users, as indicated by numerous Joomla forum posts.

Apparently this is considered a "feature" by the Joomla development team.
Others consider this a bug.

[#28016] archived articles show to admins in frontend
[#23915] Trashed articles - no indication of being trashed , when viewed at front of site

I am not sure if this is your issue.
And I am not sure if it can be worked-around in FLEXIcontent.


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13 years 1 week ago #22528 by startpoint
I think this is a problem with FLEXIcontent single item in menu. In category view where an item is unpublished, it is not visible, but when is a link from menu, the item is visible. I changed the status on FLEXIcontent system plugin to disable. I stopped the item in article manager, again does not help. I created another link in the menu through Articles, Single Article. Then there is no problem.
With FLEXIcontent category in menu no problem.

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