Search won't work on titles made up of 3 letters or less.

13 years 3 months ago #20391 by lrawling

It seems that the search won't work for Titles that are made-up of 3 letters or less. Is this possible? You can test at the following site using the words 'Ash' or 'Day' - No results appear but if you go to you can see that records exist for 'Ash' and 'Day'.

Is this a setting somewhere? Can I change in the code?



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13 years 3 months ago #20398 by ggppdk
I tested in your site and it seems to work for 3 letters.
I also tested locally with v1.5.6 with 2 letters and it seems to work, can you give an example of a title that does not work to test it locally?

You can get v1.5.6 here:

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13 years 4 weeks ago #22124 by lrawling
Hi ggppdk,

thanks for replying to my post and sorry it has taken me so long to reply again. The example you can test with are the words 'Ash' or 'Day'. Enter one of these search words in the Search field on the home page and the results are 0. But if you go to People you will see that a record for each of these names actually exists.

I will also try upgrading to 1.5.6 but this may take some time as there is a bit of customisation to the site.



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13 years 4 weeks ago #22125 by lrawling
Hi again,

I just upgraded to 1.5.6 but it didn't correct the search issue. In fact, when I searched with 2 letters I get the message that 'the search term must be a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 20'. So it made me check the module used for search and it is mod_search which is the standard Joomla search module isn't it? Does this mean my problem is with Joomla not Flexicontent? Can I integrate the two somehow?



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13 years 4 weeks ago #22126 by effrit
may be problem is in ignored words.
open \language\en-GB\en-GB.ignore.php (or same file in other locale) and check list of common words what ignored on search.
in J1.7 this words are here (example for Russian locale):

may be flexisearch use this array or have its own list of this words?


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13 years 4 weeks ago #22130 by ggppdk
Please read instruction in our new FAQ article about this topic: ... ching.html


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