Inconsistent category ordering.

14 years 3 months ago #11653 by pjdevries
I'm new to FLEXIcontent but I'm starting to get the hang of of it. I think it's a very impressive piece of work, with a lot of possibilities and even more potential. I very much like to thank Emmanuel for creating it and making it available to the Joomla! community.

Having said that, I'm somewhat confused by certain design decisions, such as moving a lot of parameters from menu items to category and content type definitions. I can see why it's useful to set certain defaults there, but it's a loss that it's no longer possible to set those parameters on a per menu item basis.

Some of the parameters I miss entirely, are the settings for display of category titles and category ordering. I'm not sure if the first omission can be solved by developing a custom template, but the second shortcoming certainly isn't, because it is a flaw in the ordering logic of the category model.

The problem occurs when setting category parameter "Display subcategories" items" to "Yes" and "Primary Order" of articles to "Order". When you do, articles get ordered only by article order but not by category order, which is undesirable. So what we need, is the possibility to set category ordering independent of item ordering.

The quick & dirty workaround for this problem is this:

In function _buildItemOrderBy() of class FlexicontentModelCategory in file web_root/components/com_flexicontent/models/category.php change the line (near) 242 containing
$filter_order = 'rel.ordering';

$filter_order = 'c.ordering, rel.ordering';

Like I said it's a quick & dirty workaround but it will work as expected in most cases. It would be nice if a more robust way of specifying category ordering were implemented in the next version.

Once again I like to thank Emmanuel for this useful extension and I;m looking forward to th enext version.

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14 years 3 months ago #11671 by micker
hello thanks for your return !
in this time we need devellopper ...
have you any time to participate ?
we have a bug tracker and svn thanks for any help !

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14 years 3 months ago #11672 by pjdevries

in this time we need devellopper ...

What exactly do you mean? Is Emmanuel not available anymore?

What kind of participation do you expect? Unfortunately I don't have very much time for these kind of fun projects. I would very much like to, but simply don't have enough time available. So I will see what I can do, but no promises and no guarantuees!

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14 years 3 months ago #11684 by micker
for emanuel any help whas good !!
with some good devellopper flexicontent can be more interesting !
thanks for any time for help

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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14 years 6 days ago #14136 by kath
thanks pj.

i needed and found the exact same line (see above), but the solution for my casewas more like:
$filter_order = 'i.ordering, rel.ordering';

i'm using
joomla 1.5.22
FC 1.5.3c stable (r354)

maybe helps someone else...


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