Hey guys,
I just purchased flexiaccess and setup flexicontent and flexiaccess on my new site.
It will the the new Intranet site for our school.
I am having a few issues with flexiaccess and flexicontent I am hoping someone can help me with.
I am using Linux, Apache 2.2 and Joomla 1.5
I have put up so you can see my site
1. Problems setting the correct position for flexicontent categorys
So I have started with a fresh joomla and basically just added my template, JCE, docman and flexicontent/flexiaccess. I have added a couple flexiaccess categories and enabled a few modules. I have now added some test articles and instead of taking up the entire free space on my home screen, they are sitting as if the position "left" is being used, they are also sitting down an inch of so from the top bar. If you check the "Conway Library" category you can see they are also sitting down about an inch. That is my first problem.
2. Groups not appearing in Flexiaccess
When I add a group to flexiaccess it is simply not appearing, it says it is working but it does no appear. This means I can't assign any permissions to any of my categories and defeats the purpose or ever using flexicontent or flexiaccess in the first place.
What is strange is if I add another group and click 'nested groups' I see all the groups I previously try to add, but I don't see them when I try to assign permissions or from the 'Groups' section of flexiaccess.
I have added an attachment to show what I mean.
Thanks for any help guys!