Hey got an error on an article

14 years 7 months ago #9406 by norther
I tested out the flexicontent by editing an existing article that was imported ofcourse. I completely rewrote the article. At first everything was fine no hitches what-so-ever, the article displayed it was perfect.
About 30 minutes later I edited an image and attached it to "latest" in the news category. I went to the page, and it worked well (the image). I then went into the link and it failed to work and gave me the following error.

Fatal error: Class 'JFile' not found in /home/www/websitename.com/libraries/joomla/cache/storage/file.php on line 189

I also disabled the default joomla search - content plugin, because of duplicate search results. I figured there was no need for it since flexicontent has its own content search. I tried re-enabling it but the error stayed.

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14 years 7 months ago #9415 by yopyop001

It looks like a cache problem.

May be this post will help you :
www.flexicontent.org/forum/index ... =viewtopic


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14 years 7 months ago #9514 by micker
hello if it's solved edit you post to add this [solved]

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