FlexiAccess: AND or OR calculating access to specific conten

14 years 6 months ago #9147 by joerg.schwarzlaender
Hi there out

Evaluating FlexiAcess I couldn’t figure out in the presented materials if the access to a specific resource is calculated with an AND or OR operation. (I’m looking for the AND case). Maybe someone can help?

  • categories: Staff, Management, Department A, Department B
  • 3 articles
    • Article 1 assigned to categories Staff & Department A
    • Article 2 assigned to categories Management & Department A
    • Article 3 assigned to categories Staff & Department B
  • 4 groups:
    • GRP_Staff access only to category Staff
    • GRP_Management access only to category Management
    • GRP_Department A access only to category Department A
    • GRP_Department B access only to category Department B
  • 1 user: userSA - member of group GRP_Staff & GRP_Department A

AND scenario:
userSA has only access to Article 1, as he is not part of the Groups GRP_Management and GRP_Department B

OR scenario:
userSA has access to all articles.


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14 years 6 months ago #9154 by chessman
Using you example here is what you can do :
userSA will have access to catégories "staff" and "DepartmentA" as he is assigned to GRP_staff AND GRP_DepartmentA.

In fact, you can assign rules for each category and also to each content (and the rules can be different or specific) => So different groups can have access to one category and others not (+same for each content).

If I understand your need you can create another group called "GRP_staff_and_DepartmentB" so that the userSA will be part of GRP_staff / GRP_DepartmentA / GRP_staff_and_DepartmentB then put the rule on article 3 to be accessed by group GRP_staff_and_DepartmentB => Doing so it will work as you need :
- userSA can access article1 (he is part of GRP_staff)
- userSA can access article2 (he is part of GRP_DepartmentA
- userSA can access article3 (he is part of GRP_staff_and_DepartmentB)

Is the answer ok for you ? maybe i didn't explained well, if so just ask me another time :?

www.christophehagnere.fr <= entièrement réalisé avec FLEXIcontent
www.joomla.fr <= Co-administrateur

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14 years 6 months ago #9178 by joerg.schwarzlaender
Hi – sorry for the delay. I was doing some experiments based on your suggestions.

Finally I all come down to the following question:
Having an article assigned two categories CA and CB and a user being a member of group G.
  • What happens if the group G has the right to read the category CA, but not for category CB?
  • Can the user access the article, as he’s allowed to read the article via user -> group G -> read category CA?
  • Or is his access denied via user -> group G -> read category CB?
In other words: What happens if via content categories different access rights are in conflict?

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14 years 6 months ago #9193 by chessman
He'll have access to CA as group G has access to.
As group G do not have access, it will not show up CB (category view for example).

If only looking to view CB then will display "you don't have access ..."

www.christophehagnere.fr <= entièrement réalisé avec FLEXIcontent
www.joomla.fr <= Co-administrateur

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14 years 6 months ago #9244 by joerg.schwarzlaender
So if the user is using a menu which gives a view on all articles belonging to CA he will have access to the specific article A, even if the user does not have access to CB the article A is also assigned to.

And clearly, if the menu gives a view on all articles belonging to CB the user will get an “Access denied”.

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