Remove Category IDs from URL?

14 years 7 months ago #8954 by scank

My setup involves individual items being linked to many categories. This is so that users can browse to the item via different methods (which is exactly what I wanted! :D )

However, because I have setup categories with the same name (in different locations) they obviously have different IDs which I dont have a problem with, but this is shown in the URL; like this:


Is there a way I can remove '15-' from the URL? An ID also appears on my item view aswell. Like this:


Again, I would like to be able to remove the ID from the URL. I have tried HP Router plugin (third party) but it does not work with FlexiContent. Is this possible at all to achieve?

Thanks for any help, and I have to say I love FlexiContent so far.. it's so much easier to control than K2!

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14 years 7 months ago #8956 by micker
hello you use a sef composant ? are joomla SEF ?
with joomla sef it's not possible
with acesf it's possible

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14 years 7 months ago #8958 by scank
Replied by scank on topic Remove Category IDs from URL?
Hi Micker,

Yes I was just using Joomla SEF? I'm downloading AceSEF now (the free 1!) I'll let you know if I can/can't get it working. Thanks for your help.

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14 years 7 months ago #8969 by micker
after installing
install flexicontent extention ACESEF
and in configuration panel remove id option in url

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14 years 7 months ago #8987 by scank
Replied by scank on topic Remove Category IDs from URL?
Yes I have done all this and it appears to work very well! ... However I have noticed one issue which is confusing me.

The alias of a menu item (a flexicontent menu item) and the alias of the category (assigned in flexicontent) both appear in the URL. For example:


I can't understand why AceSEF or flexicontent is using the menu item alias and then the category alias BOTH in the URL. Couldnt find an option to edit this one easily either :x

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14 years 7 months ago #8995 by micker
hello did you use the flexicontent option of acesef plugin ?(it's possible)

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