Adjust Breadcrumbs code

14 years 8 months ago - 14 years 8 months ago #7485 by Twinkiez

This is by far the best CCK I've ever used and my clients like it. Since my clients are perfectionists, they want the breadcrumbs to be logical and correct.

Right now whenever I post a link through a menu, I'll get Home>NameofMenu>MainCat>Subcat>ArticleItem and while I don't really care, they really don't want that NameofMenu in there.

I have already tried using the Item Depth and selecting no to Add Item to Pathway.

What I want to know is which file handles the breadcrumbs so I can simply edit this part. If anyone knows, it will be extremely helpful.
Last edit: 14 years 8 months ago by Twinkiez.

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14 years 8 months ago #7521 by Twinkiez
Replied by Twinkiez on topic Adjust Breadcrumbs code
I have set all of the menus to show Root and Add to Pathway to Yes. As some of you may know, there are duplicates showing, but the whole logic of the breadcrumbs system is off.

It shows items almost in reverse, as you can see on this page ( . ... &Itemid=95 )

Instead of showing Home > Completed Houses > Dixwell/Newhallville > Programs > Affordable Housing Development > Dixwell/Newhallville, my clients want it to show

Home > Programs > Affordable Housing Development > Completed Houses > Dixwell/Newhallville

I just want to know what I need to do to get it to look like that. This minor (well turning out to be more than minor) problem is the only thing keeping us from launching the beta site. Any help in this matter will be greatly appreciated!

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14 years 8 months ago #7522 by Twinkiez
Replied by Twinkiez on topic Adjust Breadcrumbs code
I guess I found out where the breadcrumbs pathway is "enhanced".

The question is how do I change it. The code looks like this
// Pathway need to be improved $cats = new flexicontent_cats($cid); $parents = $cats->getParentlist(); $pathway =& $mainframe->getPathWay(); $depth = $params->get('item_depth', 0); for($p = $depth; $p<count($parents); $p++) { $pathway->addItem( $this->escape($parents[$p]->title), JRoute::_( FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($parents[$p]->categoryslug) ) ); } if ($params->get('add_item_pathway', 1)) { $pathway->addItem( $this->escape($item->title), JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($item->slug)) ); }

What do I change to make it look like Home > Programs > Affordable Housing Development > Completed Houses > Dixwell/Newhallville ?

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14 years 6 months ago #9337 by joerg.schwarzlaender
I'v got a similar problem. I want to get rid of the "parent categories" in the pathway.

Can you please share in which file you found the code snipet you posted?

Thanks a lot

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14 years 6 months ago #9365 by joerg.schwarzlaender
In the meantime I was able to locate this code fragment:

line 108++

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14 years 6 months ago #9477 by coffeegroup
Replied by coffeegroup on topic Adjust Breadcrumbs code
Sidebar Relate Question: HOW do I turn the breadcrumbs OFF?

John Coonen
Co-Host, CMS Expo

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