ignore items with value missing in image field

10 months 2 weeks ago - 10 months 2 weeks ago #85278 by ekwax
Ok here's my configuration :
Flexicontent 4.2.1
joomla 4.4.3
category view
template Grid

I am creating a directory website.
In the item view, i have one tab (promotion) displaying image fiel and text field (grouped toghether in field group), and a textselect field
the result is : in the tab there a galerie of image, description and category.

Now i created a category with category view and filter (by field category promotion)
i want to display all items in that category.
User may not fill content in that promotion tab
My problem is : my category displays even content that user did not fill...
i want to filter empty fields and not display them

Universal content is doing that very well , but does not have a filter fonctionality
NB: if my explanations are not clear, may be i can send private link to website...
Last edit: 10 months 2 weeks ago by ekwax.

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10 months 2 weeks ago #85279 by micker
ok i understand more
yes category can hide item if image field is empty, it a specific fonction of universal module
maybe i can be done via a custom template but not out of box sorry

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