User Groups Permissions, joomla ACL in front end for FlexiContent Categories

11 months 3 weeks ago - 11 months 2 weeks ago #84946 by rvbgnu
Hi everyone!

After successfully managing the Content and Structure, with front end Views and Forms, I am moving forward with this great web application.

I would like to make some improvements with FlexiContent, and I need some help. I used before the Joomla ACL and the Status/Author changes in the backend, but I don’t know how to achieve this in the front end, and authorise the relevant user group for that.

Web app context:
 - The main Content Type is Members, so a group of Members, with other Content type: Details information, Events, etc...
 - The Status of the Group of Members can be Active ( = Published), Inactive ( = Unpublished), Archived, or On Waiting List ( = a new status like In Progress)
 - The 2 User groups are Managers and Workers: Only the Managers can change the Status of the Group of Members. Managers can see all Groups of Members and their content

Then the typical workflow is:
 - a Manager changes the status of a Group of Members to Active, and affect this Group to a Worker user.
 - a Worker can only see a Group of Members that are Active AND affected to him/her
 - also, all the Content, like Details, Info, Events, etc, inside the Group of Members (a Type and a Category in FlexiContent), should use the ACL from the parent Group of Members = a Member can only be seen by a Worker if the Group of Members is affected to him/her and Active.

I read the Documentation and Tutorials, and used the search as well, about the FlexiContent Workflow feature, and finally, I don’t think I would need this. And I don’t need email notification and content to be validated/published by 2 or more users. So it should be feasible with the joomla ACL an all the Permissions available at different levels in FlexiContent.

I have created the 2 Joomla user groups, for Managers and Workers. I tried using the Status and Author fields, tweaked the ACL, but I cannot make it work in the front end.

Please would have an idea or similar Use Case I could look into, to find a solution?

Kind regards,
Last edit: 11 months 2 weeks ago by rvbgnu. Reason: typo correct to spot ACL easier

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11 months 3 weeks ago #84951 by micker
hello actualy i didn't think its possible like this and with core because you need to use joomla 4 workflow feature and flexicontent doesn't realy use it (need to be dev)
in fact you can assign ACL to each field ... but not sure about your goal

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11 months 2 weeks ago #84972 by rvbgnu
All right, Thank you Yannick. it may be more a matter of fine tuning joomla ACLs.

I have to dig more and test a few settings to see how it could work. I will share back my findings ;-)

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