Structure for Groups, with Members? like JobBoard Demo with Companies' Offers

1 year 8 months ago #83994 by rvbgnu
Hello all !

First post in this forum, and first project with FlexiContent ;-)

I want to create Groups with Group Members. Each content type has its own fields, and some custom value in select list. Members have a list of Events (0, 1, or more) that happen to them.

I replicate the example from the Demo Job board / CVthèque, so it is easier for me to learn FlexiContent.

I started to mimic the setup like this
- Job offer (Offres emploi) = Group Member
- Apply for a job offer (Postuler) [button] = Add an Event
- An Application (Candidature) = Event

So my Group of Members would be like a Company / Recruiter (Entreprise / recruteur), gathering its own Job Offer. I would then display all Group Members, from a certain Group (Company), Create a Group. And even change the Group Status to Unpublished/Inactive (like a Company with no Job Offer at the moment, or no active on the Job portal).

Would I just need "Relation field and relation reverse" of kind Parent/Child ?

Or should I look somewhere else?

Kind regards,

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1 year 8 months ago #83999 by micker
yes you can do with with a relation field
you can set that relation field display linked content with language et state rules

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