[SOLVED] Creating a menubar (how to filter items?)

2 years 1 month ago #83195 by hervemlam

Happy New Year everybody!

As I'm preparing to add a menubar to my website, I'm facing several issues and questions.
  • Some menus of my menubar will lead to specific pages: these ones are easy to configure, I succeeded.
  • A menu of my menubar will display all articles of my website, in alphabetical order. This is easy too, I just need to route it to the URL "/?orderby=alpha&cc=p", although I don't know what "cc=p" means (?)
  • I want a menu of my menubar to list the top 10 articles. Routing the menu to the URL "/?limit=10&orderby=hits&cc=p" should do the job, but... it doesn't limit the display to the first 10 articles, because there is a page 2 with the #11-#20 articles, a page 3 with the #21-#30 and so on. What can I do?
  • Now my main issue. Some menus should display only the articles having a given value for a given field. I'd like to write a URL like "/?myfield=myvalue". Example: "/?release_date=2022". But it doesn't work, even when I turn research and filter to Yes in Flexi configuration (both basic search and advanced search). How can I manage?
If you could help me with my questions, I'd be very happy.

Best regards,

PHP 8.1.16
Joomla! 4.3.3
FLEXIcontent 4.1.5

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2 years 1 month ago #83196 by micker
to remove variable in url you need to use configuration in link and not create direct link in menu
1 create a link menu and use override params to configure your display => when you actived url rewritting all variable will hidden
2 create your link like 1 remove pagination in your link menu paramq
3 create link like 1 and go to params to add filter value ...
that all regards

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2 years 1 month ago - 2 years 1 month ago #83202 by hervemlam
Hello micker,

Thanks for your answer!

I don't know what you mean about params, for I can't see anything like this in Menu Item edition (see screenshot).

However, I found the URL to filter on release_date=2022. I just used /index.php?filter_19=2022 (for release_date is my Flexi field #19). 
So, now I know what URL I'll have to write to filter on other fields  :-)
...Except one field which is a picture (country, represented by its flag).. how could I filter on it? In the database the value column looks like a:3:{s:12:"originalname";s:17:"icons-flag-fr.png";s:12:"existingname";s:0:"";s:4:"desc";s:9:"français";}  (just an example).

Still, I don't know how to remove pagination to see Top 10 only... (?)


PHP 8.1.16
Joomla! 4.3.3
FLEXIcontent 4.1.5
Last edit: 2 years 1 month ago by hervemlam.

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2 years 1 month ago #83203 by micker
no create a link to a flexicontent category
use override params option
and you can add initial filter option

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2 years 1 month ago #83215 by hervemlam
Hi micker,
Thanks for your answer.
I think you mean something like this:

I manage to use it this way, thank you:

But... although this works fine for a 'scalar' field (here is the text field release_date), I don't know how to manage with an image field (basically, the country field), even though I actived its filter functionality:

Any idea?


PHP 8.1.16
Joomla! 4.3.3
FLEXIcontent 4.1.5

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2 years 1 month ago #83216 by micker
tu ne pourras pas filtrer par une image regarde dans l'ecart categorie il n'y a pas de filtrage il y a juste le texte search sur le nom de l'image

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