I'am creating a J4 site from a J3 one. I don't want to upgrade the J3 as it's an old site and a lot of content is no more used.
So I'm creating a new J4 site copying the presently used datas.
The live site is :
The J4 site is :
On the home page I display the covers of the publications creeated by ADCJ.
the page is like that :
The image I get on J4 is the following :
the page is a 'Flexicontent category' one.
Each flexicontent article is a summary, covers and infos about the publication.
On J4 presently I have 2 publications
I want to display the title, the summary and the cover image.
I think I have put the same parameters in the category config, the category and the menu in J3 and in J4.
When I look at the source page, I see the cover JPG address and the summary text.
What can I do to get the same display in J3 and in J4.
Thank you for help
Best regards
Michel Rottenberg