make child field appear only when master field is selected?

6 years 3 months ago #75236 by Mel
I am very new to FlexiContent but I have figured out how to make conditional fields (I think.). My problem is that child fields are visible in the form all the time. I would like it so that the child field is not visible and only appears when a choice is made in the master field.

For example if the form asks 'Do you have pets?'. The choices are 'Yes' and 'No'. If the user chooses 'No' nothing happens and 'No' is recorded when the form is submitted. If the user chooses "Yes" then the child field appears with the question 'What type of pet?' and 3 choices: 'Cat' 'Dog' and 'Other'. And after that, if they choose cats, we could have another child field asking 'How many cats? and so on

So the child fields are not shown and only become visible if the right choices are made. How can I make it work like this? Thanks for your help.

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6 years 3 months ago #75238 by micker
Hello for now flexicontent cant do it without coding
You Can add JS script in your item form (go to your type and form tab and add JS inside)

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6 years 3 months ago #75258 by Mel
Thank you micker for your reply. Unfortunately I have no coding skills at all so please let me know if I need to get a coder to make a script for me?

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6 years 3 months ago #75259 by micker
hello we can do a custom code for you for free ... working on flexicontent is already a big work
some exemple on google

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6 years 3 months ago #75260 by ggppdk

we need to add this

i am thinking to do it using the "showon" JS of Joomla or use our own

i am towards using the "showon" JS of Joomla

but also need to decide the way to add this into the configuration

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6 years 3 months ago - 6 years 3 months ago #75262 by micker
yes need to have a cascading open (showon multi field)
Maybe a cascading tab with a repetable field and rules
if [value in this field] [=/=!] [hide/show] [select an other field]
if [value in this field] [=/=!] [hide/show] [select an other field]
etc ...
but maybe to complexe

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Last edit: 6 years 3 months ago by micker.

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