Hi everybody,
Hope everybody have a good summer time
I come back to know if there is some more on these subjects : beside the pro version, is there a new plugin to use OSM with Flexicontent ?
Meantime, i use a little trick i give you if this help : to avoid key issues, you can send the person to Google with a link.
For this, you need a simple text field where you type the address.
In example, you have as address : "32 rue sainte hélène - 69002 Lyon"
You type this address in the text field (in my example below, i call the field "myaddressfield")
After this, i transform the field in my template with a link by adding
<?php echo'<a href="https://www.google.fr/maps?f=q&hl=fr&q=">' . $this->fields['myaddressfield']->display . ' ">Click to open in Googlemap</a>'; ?>
This way, this display a link to Googlemap.
I did not test it with prefix and suffix but it should also works.
Googlemap API is today to heavy to manage : you have to put a key (ok, not to difficult), restrict the key (some hairs missing sometimes with this), but also to create a billing account and associate the API project to the billing account.. Not so difficult ? No... but if you have more than 5 project (because you want to clearly separate each site), you have to send a request to Google to increase the 5 sites limit ! Then, you have to pay or to create a new Google account to manage each pack of 5 sites...
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