Hello all,
is there a way to add custom HTML tags (like <div>, <b>, <i>, etc.) to a default value on a Field?
Actually I tried to do it but doesn't work...
And I tried to do it with language string right in the value: the translation text is working but doesn't care about my HTML tags on the FrontEnd page...
Example: in Text Field Type, I add to the Default Value (Value Creation) :
and add the translation text in the Language Overrides. On the FrontEnd page, the text of each language is display correctly but without the div, bold and italic tags...
I've tried to just put my language string (without HTML tags) in the Field Value and add the HTML tags directly in the Language Overrides but without any result too...
I have tried to add HTML tags on a "normal" Field default value (without language string), but it doesn't work too.
EDIT: with the Textarea Field Type, I succeed to display a Value with the HTML tags on the Front End, but the Language string doesn't work in this case...
Any idea how to do that?