Hide @ when empty e-mail field

7 years 5 months ago - 7 years 5 months ago #69424 by tbunte
We build a contact structur, where 95% of users have an e-Mail.
We set the value of e-mail-Field so, that it was linked (mailto-link).
But then we have in view of these field without content (5%) also the " @" sign - coming from system.

Is there a way to hide it?

best regards,
Last edit: 7 years 5 months ago by ggppdk.

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7 years 5 months ago #69444 by ggppdk

Do you mean that item form is submited with the email field having a field value:

is saved in the Database as field value ?

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7 years 5 months ago #69452 by tbunte

the data cames from csv import.
When we stay these field empty it will not show in in Field list on detailpage (where it was needed to have the same order). So we place a " & nbsp;" as Standardvalue if field are empty.
But then was the @ always shown.

That's our problem. Maybe we find not the right configuration for it?

best regards,

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7 years 5 months ago #69455 by ggppdk

in import you do not need to add "&bsp;"

you can just leave it blank

so instead of
record_separator   record_separator
just use:
record_separator record_separator

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7 years 5 months ago #69462 by tbunte
ok, but when there was no content in the field e-mail field , then the field label was not shown and the planned order of fields was destroyed. And if i place an value there, like "-", then happens directly the @ symbol.

See screenhot.

best regards,

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7 years 5 months ago #69464 by ggppdk

you have forgotten that you can use a custom layout

So if you would want the field to show
- then you do not need to add such values into the DB

1. Create a copy of the field's layout


and select it as layout
then comment out this:
// Skip empty value, adding an empty placeholder if field inside in field group /* if ( empty($value['addr']) ) { if ( $is_ingroup ) { $field->{$prop}[$n++] = ''; } continue; } */

and immediately after it add:
if ( empty($value['addr']) || $value['addr'] == '-' || $value['addr'] == ' ' ) { $field->{$prop}[$n] = $pretext . $html . $posttext; $n++; continue; // continue with next value }

you do not need to rely only on features of the field
you can do your own manipulation inside the layout

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