I have a "organisational" question to ask here as i would like to use Flexicontent but i'm not sure if i can for my idea.
I explain

I would like to have a site with a list of artists.
These artist have an individual presentation and for each artist dates of shows.
A show can start a day and finish 2 or 3 days later.
So i can have
Artist 1 - 3 uniques dates
Artist 2 - From date1 to Date2 and 2 single date
Artist3, etc....
My question is : is this better to organize my field by event or by artist ?
Why this question : a person arriving on the site will have dozen of artists and hundreds of dates.
If they search, they will have to filter by date, places, artists, etc..
For all this, this is not complicated as Flexicontent allow all this.
What is complicated is filtering content by date included in fields as a date is linked to a place.
Also, if a show start from a date to another date, i don't want to add all separate date, just from xxxx to xxxx and then i have a little issue to filter on a date between the 2 dates...
What do you think ? What is the best way ? Artist ? Places ? Events ? Dates ?
Thanks in advance
