Need advice for website with cross relation between categories

8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #61539 by ChristopheSeg
I'm developping a website using FlexiContent (I'm a newbie in FC) searching for some advice regarding my website structure.
I'm sure FLEXIcontent is the best solution for my project. I'm now searching the best method to develop my website with as less coding as possible. Could some FLEXIcontent user indicates me if I'm using the right way to achieve my goal?

I have to manage sort and list contents by main categories:
Projects: project 1 project2....
Teams: team1 team2...
People: people1 people2...

This is trivial using categories, but the tricky thing is I also need cross relations to link projects teams and people:
for teams: team_is_involved_in_projects (to indicate that a team is involved in one/some projects)
for Projects: project_is_conducted_by_teams
for people: people_is affected_to_teams people_is affected_to_projects
people_is directing_teams people_is directing_projects

I found and tried 2 solutions:
First Solution. Use multiple categories FLEXIcontent feature so that for example one person is affected to people_categories project_categories and team_categories
In that case when browsing one project category items (project 1), I get a list of all the items under the main project1 category (desired behaviour), but also all items (team, people) belonging to secondary categorie project1 (unwanted behaviour). I didn't find a way to list (FC menus) only the main category items (May be I missed something). Such filtering seems only possible with the FLEXIcontent universal module, but browsing all my main content with module do not seems as a good solution.

Second Solution. I put my items only a main categorie (project in projects, team in teams whitout cross relation). I defined multiple select fields based on categories (for example the team_is_involved_in_projects fields allows for selectiong project(s) in the projects categories). Then I tried to use universal module and relation fields to add the desired cross linking. In that case, the issue is that I'm not able to link an items under category project1 (category=project1_id) to people working at project 1 (people_is affected_to_projects=project1_id) since only fields of the same type can de used in comparison. Using some coding, I was able to do the trick with a module.

My questions are:
Is this second solution the best way to achieve my goal ?
Is there a better way to achieve this with less coding ?

Thanks in advance to the FlexiContent community
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by ChristopheSeg. Reason: change topic icon

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8 years 10 months ago #61731 by ggppdk

why don't you use the FLEXIcontent relation field to create relationship between specific content types ?

e.g. an multiple albums belong to an artist
e.g. an multiple songs belong to an album

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8 years 10 months ago #61927 by ChristopheSeg
The FLEXIcontent relation field is a convenient solution as long as you deal with relation from item(s) to item(s).
In my case , I use categories since for one team (team1), I can have up to 10 articles related to team1. For these10 articles I have the same relation (10 articles are related to team1 manager for example)

In fact for these 10 articles, I could use relation field, but would have to define one relation for each item; whilst these 10 relations are identical .
It seems to me easier to use categories and to code a light module to display relations

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8 years 10 months ago #61928 by micker
with universal module you can use scop :
- tag relation
- field relation
i think you can use this too

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