How grouping items in a search page ?

9 years 4 months ago #57139 by osep45

I would like to know if it is possible to group the items in a search page.
I have 2 types : book and text. A book contains some texts. In the search page, i get a list of book(s) and text(s) but i would like :
- to group the texts with the corresponding book
- to display the information of the book for each text found by the search, even if this book is not directly found by the search.

Here is an example :
if the result of the search is : Book n°3, Book n°5, Text n°4.2 (meaning the 2nd text of the Book n°4), Text n°5.1 and Text n°5.4,
I would like to display the result as following :
* Book n°3
* Book n°4
- Text n°4.2
* Book n°5
-Text n°5.1
-Text n°5.4

THANKS a lot for your help.

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9 years 4 months ago #57140 by ggppdk

i am not sure how the ITEM Types are related, i guess you know what you want to do

- you can do easily (easy for a developer) do this by making a Joomla template override, for file:


copy as:

and then edit to customize the file

e.g. find:
<?php foreach($this->results as $i => $result) : ?> <div class="fcclear"></div> <?php $count++; $fc_item_classes = 'fc_search_result '.($count%2 ? 'fcodd' : 'fceven'); if ( @ $result->fc_item_id ) { // FLEXIcontent specific result

and after it add:
echo "TYPE ID is:" $result->type_id."<br/>";

you would probably want to replace the loop with TWO loops
- first loop will do some reordering
- second loop will display things

- also you should set
number of items per page = Search limit (items returned by FLEXIContent advanced search plugin)
- also you probably would want to unpublish other search plugins and let only the FLEXIContent advanced search plugin, be published

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9 years 4 months ago #57159 by osep45
Thanks a lot for your quick answer and for this helpful information. I will do as proposed.
I have just another small question. I have two different search pages, so I need to keep the default_results.php file for the other search page and to set a specific template for the search page described above. I haven't found a parameter to assign a specific template to the search page. Do you know how I could do that ?

Thanks again.

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9 years 4 months ago #57452 by osep45
For the moment, I use the parameter "Page Class" to assign a template to the search menu item :
I've modified the file : component/com_flexicontent/views/search/tmpl/default.php
as following :
if ($this->params->get('pageclass_sfx') == "xxxx") :
echo $this->loadTemplate('results_xxxx');
else :
echo $this->loadTemplate('results');
Maybe it could be a futur enhancement to have the possibility to assign a template to the search menu items ?

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