Select list to select a Joomla user and show his/her profile

9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #56666 by discrockers

I just find the option to use "joomla User" in a select list field (I fell in love with flexicontent again :)
Is there an option to get this field connected to a joomla user Profil so the user gets the content display with his Profil is linked?
Sorry, I hope you understand what I mean.

I have another solution but would prefer the one above. If I set the author of the content to the user Profil the user can edit the content it by itself.
thank you

keep on rockin
Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by ggppdk.

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9 years 7 months ago #56676 by ggppdk

we already have a field "Joomla profile" to display Joomla user profile data
currently it has 2 options:
- Author of the item
- Current frontend user

it was and is intendeded to have a 3rd option:
- allow user selection in item form

is that what you asking: select a user in item form and show his/her profile ?

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9 years 7 months ago #56700 by discrockers
Thank you for your answer.
I would like to give our users the option to edit there own team Profils, so they can upload team pictures and update infos etc.

1. If I edit the article "Team" and set the author to the user manuell,
2. set the field "joomla Profile" to the user.
3. Add a link to the authors articles

It should work? That would be awesome and there is no need for another community component
Thank for your help

keep on rockin

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9 years 7 months ago #56701 by ggppdk

Joomla allows users to edit their profile

1. Enable the plugin
thus users will be able to edit this when the edit their account in frontend

2. Go to joomla extensions and find and install some plugin that adds extra fields to the profile
e.g. image

3. Create FLEXIContent field "Joomla profile" and assign it to types

4. Add the field to the a field position by editing the FLEXIcontent template layout of the type

note the FLEXIcontent field needs some more work, to add language strings, and better layout

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9 years 7 months ago #56703 by discrockers

ggppdk wrote: Hello

Joomla allows users to edit their profile

1. Enable the plugin
thus users will be able to edit this when the edit their account in frontend

I know, but The Profils I am talking about are the event Teamprofies ;) That means:
One human and his dog(s), that also could be the same human with another dog.
Since joomla allows only one profile for each individual it is not working in that way for my need. So that is why I created The Type "Teams" to create multiple "Profiles".

ggppdk wrote: 2. Go to joomla extensions and find and install some plugin that adds extra fields to the profile
e.g. image[/quote

Would be nice the have the standard joomla profile could display the "Teams" article.

keep on rockin

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9 years 7 months ago #56710 by ggppdk

so is this what you suggest :
FLEXIContent "Joomla profile" field

should have be able to select a user in item form and then in item view show his/her profile ?

or you speak of something else ?

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