error on flexicontent website

9 years 6 months ago #56365 by gcprnet
When I call the ( ) website first time a day, I get:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Less Parse Error: failed to parse passed in variable @menuHoverColor: ' in /home/flexicck/public_html/libraries/gantry/core/gantry.class.php:1141 Stack trace: #0 /home/flexicck/public_html/templates/flexitemplate/html/mod_roknavmenu/themes/gantry-dropdown/layout.php(49): Gantry->addLess('menu.less', 'menu.css', 1, Array) #1 /home/flexicck/public_html/modules/mod_roknavmenu/lib/librokmenu/AbstractRokMenuLayout.php(34): GantryDropdownLayout->stageHeader() #2 /home/flexicck/public_html/modules/mod_roknavmenu/lib/librokmenu/RokMenuDefaultRenderer.php(89): AbstractRokMenuLayout->doStageHeader() #3 /home/flexicck/public_html/modules/mod_roknavmenu/lib/renderers/RokNavMenu2XRenderer.php(11): RokMenuDefaultRenderer->renderHeader() #4 /home/flexicck/public_html/modules/mod_roknavmenu/lib/librokmenu/RokMenu.php(103): RokNavMenu2XRenderer->renderHeader() #5 /home/flexicck/public_html/modules/mod_roknavmenu/lib/RokNavMenu.php(55): RokMenu->renderHeader() #6 /home/flexic in /home/flexicck/public_html/libraries/gantry/core/gantry.class.php on line 1141
After reloading the page, the error is gone.
Also your ssl-version ( ) doesn't seem to work anymore
just for info

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9 years 6 months ago #56384 by ggppdk

that is the rocketTheme template some times caching a brolen page

the template will be replace soon enough,

did you get this just today or every day that you visited the website ?

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9 years 6 months ago #56408 by gcprnet
except for today, I got it every day first time, I visited the site

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