1) How can I make the author name to be clickable and take me to the author profile page that has been assigned to him?
-- currently the profile item is injected in author's items view
but it makes sense to
have a simple field to add be able to add link to it, this should be trivial, and it was inteneded for v3.0.0 but it was not done, will be in v3.0.1
There is a system plugin not in main package to
make replacements of
- fields,
- items,
- user's profile item
- and item, category links
anywhere in the page,
see your email
1.1) Is there a field for displaying an author's items that I can add to the author profile page?
there is the field "Author items", which will link to author items listing
but the profile item must belong to the user, otherwise it will not work
2) How can I customize the template used for showing author items list?
- Currently the only way is to create a menu item for every author
i think we should add a parameter to be able to select an author menu item (without any specific author) for ALL such author item pages