micker wrote: you use ACL for each field +no access message=> create 2 groups and assign it
Hi micker,
I am not sure this is a good solution, if I create 2 groups and use ACL, each agent need to get access to the contact details of his own leads, if I need to assign a user to a specific user group, I will have to do the same for all 30 agents so that each one can see his own lead private details and not other agent's leads private details!
Maybe I was not clear enough while explaining my issue, so maybe some examples are welcome:
I have created 7 custom fields as below:
1. Title (can be viewed by all agents)
2. First Name (can be viewed by all agents)
3. Last Name (can be viewed by all agents)
4. Email (can only be viewed by item author)
5. Mobile (can only be viewed by item author)
6. Home Phone (can only be viewed by item author)
7. Office Phone (can only be viewed by item author)
and of course the description field is also used as requirements, therefore all agents can view this field as well.
So, we'll be having around 30 agents and hopefully, the number of agents will keep on growing from time to time.
Agent A add an item and save it, when he goes to the item detailed page, he needs to be able to see all details included in the item as he is the author of the item.
Agent B visit this same item page, he only needs to get access to the 1. Title, 2. First Name, 3. Last Name and 4. Description fields, so that, if agent be has what Agent A customer is looking for, he may contact us as administrators to let us know he has the required property and we in return get in touch with the customer to provide him the information about the available property!
I hope that my example is better this time and as you'll see the ACL feature is not really applicable to this specific issue! Well as per my opinion, if you still think the ACL feature is a solution, please let me know how to make it work based on this specific example.
Jean Pierre