[No data migration needed] Data migration

10 years 4 months ago #50835 by emanuelusa

I do have Joomla 2.5 with flexicontent version 2.2.0 r1895 , and as said earlier we want to move from Joomla 2.5 to 3.3.6 with flexicontent version 2.2.0 stable..

So will you please guide me that do I migrate my data from earlier version to newer version with help of any script or any functionality there within flexicontent component, Please give me your guidance it will help me a lot.

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10 years 4 months ago #50836 by micker
1 update your flexicontent to stable
2 juste update joomla !
3 ;)

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10 years 4 months ago #50837 by ggppdk

micker wrote: 1 update your flexicontent to stable
2 juste update joomla !
3 ;)

yes you install latest FLEXIcontent and then upgrade to J3, you may need to clean frontend/backend cache after upgrading, or relogin !

- there is no DATA migration needed, only new features and bug-fixes
- minor behavior changes, you might need to edit component configuration
- some changes to default FLEXIcontent CSS ...

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10 years 3 months ago #50846 by emanuelusa
Thanks for the kind information, but I have marked one more thing,, this folder public_html/components/com_flexicontent/librairies/phpthumb/cache, is really taking almost space of my hosting, is it really needing one, or shall I delete it on certain time interval as its cache folder only?

Please answer.

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10 years 3 months ago #50848 by ggppdk

you can read here how to decrease the size of the cache

www.flexicontent.org/documentati ... mance.html

but default size is of phpThumb is rather small, only 200 MBytes,

-- image field uses fixed thumbnails so no thumbnail reculation,

-- but other views/modules that use custom sizes for image thumbnails rely on the cache of phpThumb to avoid server load because of image thumbnail recalculation, so if you have a lot of content, decreasing phpThumb cache size, may increase CPU load on the web-site (is site has many content and large thumbnails)

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10 years 3 months ago #51027 by ggppdk

please see/answer the PM that i have sent you


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