ajax call from front end

10 years 8 months ago #47935 by joomla_user

i use ajax calls from backend with folowing url :
and i have php page which handles those calls.
Now i have need to make same calls from frontend, but its not working. From what i see its because the user im logged with. If im logged as super user then all works fine but if im not logged its not working.
My guess would be that FC check permissions.
So my question is: is this correct ? How can this be done using the above ajax url?


joomla 3.1.5, FC 2.1.0 r1781

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10 years 8 months ago #47936 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic ajax call from front end

why are you using these versions ?

please backup and upgrade to:

J3.3 and FC v2.2.0 r1910:
www.flexicontent.org/forum/index ... =viewtopic

-- also which flexicontent view or task do you want to call ?
have you hacked flexicontent files ? have you created a new view ?

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10 years 8 months ago #47944 by joomla_user
Thanks for reply

Currently im bound to those versions.

As per documentation this is the way i found to call ajax, using the url (in ajax call) :

And creating the file :

in which i handle those requests.

Yes i modified some views and some fields but its not suppose to interfere with the flow of FC framework if that what you meant.

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10 years 8 months ago #47950 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic ajax call from front end

joomla_user wrote: And creating the file :

1. so your code will handle the calling of the task
is the function (task) inside the controller not called ?

2. if add a
at the top of the file, you will see if the file gets loaded,

3. finally the calling of the controller task is inside:

in flexicontent admin folder so you can do your debugging there too

(you have modified files and you cannot upgrade, it would be better to keep a track of unavoidable and very important changes/hacks and thus be able to upgrade, now you are tied to an old version)


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