I write this message because i have some problems with categories on entry form for item on the website...In fact i have only 3 categories which appear on the entry form and all others categerie are not visible, as you can see on these screenshot :
But when i try to create a new article in the administration pannel, all categories are there :
To solve that, i tried to delete all categories and to re-create two of them to see if it works or not and now there is a new problem : The 3 categories are always there, whereas they were removed !!!
As you can see here, there is only 2 categories named "Admin accueil" and "Offre a valider"
But as you can see here, there is always the old categories and the 2 new categories are not visible...
Somebody can help me ? I really need these categories on the entry form on the website...
I use Joomla 3.2 and FLEXIContent ....
Thanks in advance for your replies.
Best regards,
Ps: Sorry for my bad english, i'm french